Second Session begins Feb. 12th,  2022

21 Days of Manifesting Joy Activations


New Year's Healing and Manifestation Program


Together let’s reclaim our lives, and make 2022 the year of transcendent joy! 

 While life is full of ups and downs, you were meant to live a life filled with joy and contentment. In fact, you need to be joyful in order to fulfill your mission.
So many of us are super focused on living a life of service, being in divine alignment, and fulfilling our mission. But here’s the truth, you can’t do any of those things without joy. In fact, if you’re unhappy, heavy energy will spill over into everything that you do!
So, you will do everyone on the planet a favor by being joyful! Joy=divine connection=mission fulfilled=Even more joy!
During this 21 day meditation/activation/attunement program, you will receive daily MP3 activations in your inbox. Each day will offer unique healing empowerment’s that will attune you to divine joy. 
Benefits of this program include:
*weaving joy into the fabric of your life and being!
* receiving light activations from the greatest joy guides of heaven and earth including fairies, elementals (crystal, tree spirt, etc), angels, masters, divine source and the higher self.
* experiencing profound higher self alignment.
*taking the reigns of your life, and steering your new year in the direction of your dreams and desires.
*beginning the new year with great awareness and purpose.
*bringing magic into your everyday life.
*deeply connecting  with your inner being -your I AM presence.
*making joy #1 priority-you owe it to your inner being!
*activating your co-creative powers.
*invoke your inner magician!
* bless the planet by becoming a joy radiator!
Activations Include:
*Total Life Cleansing and Blessing


*Angelic Spa Session

*Gaia's Salt Cave Session with the Council

*Solution Mindset

*Ultimate Water Healing

*Be at Peace With Your Desires

*Mudbath with the earth elementals

*Emotional Body Blessing and Upgrade with Water Spirits

*Love Your Body

*Transmute Negative Emotion into Positive Change




 "The 21 day programs created by Nadine are a great way to start the day. They hold a magnitude of support and encouragement. The channeled meditations can be used as much as you want, anytime you need a pick me up and holds a wealth of value. Highly recommend it to everyone. - Ariel Reeves 


"These Activations are so powerful! I was able to transform some pretty difficult situations into positive outcomes-this was truly a miracle. I am wondering what I am going to do with myself now...I'm guess I'll be going through another round! This was truly remarkable, thank you."



"Thanks for all these beautiful tools to manage everyday life and not just to manage it, but to artfully sail through it! "C.C. 


"The activations felt relaxing and also powerful at the same time. I'm planning on listening to the program again. I'm also going to participate in the self-Love one also. Thank you so much!" Jody G.


The program includes  a total of = 1 attunement  and 1 message or lesson per day. Daily attunements typically 5-10 min  :)

These session are yours for life. You can redo the entire program or just your favorite days anytime you like.
For only $44 this is an amazing value!!!

You May also choose to receive a Message from your angel reading or Personal New Year Blessings along with the program.

21 Manifesting Joy options

 21 Days of Angelic Activations!

Begin the New Year immersed in pure Angelic frequencies!

Each day we will receive a unique empowerment from one of the divine's sacred helpers. Each one will infuse us with thier profound healing powers and, disticnt divine qualities.  

Beginning January 1st, you will receive a daily email with a new Angel Attunement and message from the angel. Imagine starting the New Year focused on truth, love, light, purpose, and surrounded by angels! Fill your days with magic, ground the angels into your life, and watch the magic unfold. 

*Open gateways to the angelic realms.

*Feel more connected with/supported by the divine.

*Bring amazing angelic helpers into your daily life.

*Discover and/or dive deep with both known and lesser known Angels.

*Walk with the Angels, so you may be deeply supported through the challenges of human life.

*Activate your inner angel

*Open and deepen your psychic senses and healing gifts.

*Lay the foundation for a magical New Year!

The program includes  a total of = 1 attunement  and 1 message or lesson per day. Daily attunements typically 5-10 min  :)
These session are yours for life. You can redo the entire program or just your favorite days anytime you like.
For only $44 this is an amazing value!!!

You May also choose to receive a Message from your angel reading or Personal New Year Blessings along with the program.

21 Angelic attunement options


21 day Divine Magic Revival-Live as the ancients ones, invoking daily miracles.

Begin a New Journey walking side by side with your Angels, Guides & Guardians- together masterfully Co-creating your experiences.


During this program we will harness our innate spiritual powers to create more beauty, love, harmony, peace and prosperity into our lives.


 The truth is, the power that creates worlds is within us. However, the challenge comes from our unguarded thoughts, and words. Every word=prayer/affirmation/intention. So, our innate creative powers often work against our true desires, rather than in supporting them.


Together, let us take our power back! Imagine all the good that can come from awakening your inner alchemist and immersing yourself in the magic of our universe.


For this program you  will  receive daily activations  activation/attunement that align you with divine magic, and sacred self. You will also receive a daily practice to bring greater awareness into your life and assist you in transforming darkness into light.


This  program has been prerecorded. Shortly upon purchasing the program, you will receive the Course in full. It will be sent in several emails containing multiple days and meditations bundeled together. They are yours to keep, we would reccommend downloading the files if you are able to ensure your ability to come back to them anytime. 


The program includes  a total of 42 mp3 files= 1 attunement  and 1 talk or lesson per day.

These sessions are yours for life. You can redo the entire program or just your favorite days anytime you like.

Pay as you choose beginning at $33 this is an amazing value!!! Some have even told me it’s unreal, and so I have added other denominations to those who deeply want to support the work. You will be able to choose the price that resonates with your soul and you may also choose to get a personal message from your angels or distance healing session along with the program!


pay as you choose or add healing

21 Days Soul Alignment Program!


You're just pretending to be human, in truth, you are pure spirit!


Many of us know that we are sooooo much more than this physical body/existence. Yet, we continue our daily lives, pretending we are small. Often times, we live in a spiritual amnesia, forgetting our true authentic power. Why do we do this? It's simple really. It's because here on earth, we've made unconscious living a deeply ingrained habit. That's why you often f21 ind your spiritual expansion thwarted by meaningless routines and habitual behaviors. If you are done make believing you're human first, and spirit second, join Nadine for 21 days of divine initiations and spiritual practice. It's only $33 USD!!! You've got nothing to loose and everything to gain. 

 This Program includes daily "tune ups" or mini attunements/meditations (mp3), exercises and other spiritual technologies, including earthly and heavenly "medicines", that will keep you on track with your life, and your spirit! This work is both deeply grounding, and tremendously healing.
Let your heart lead the way!
Register now

This  program has been prerecorded. Shortly upon purchasing the program, you will receive the Course in full. It will be sent in several emails containing multiple days and meditations bundeled together. They are yours to keep, we would reccommend downloading the files if you are able to ensure your ability to come back to them anytime. 


"I want to thank you so much for this program. It was absolutely life changing. I am going to do it all over again because it helped me so much. To have daily things that are actually attainable was so helpful. I feel like I got so much out of it even though the practices didn't require hours of time. I really look forward to working with you again in the future. You really do an amazing job and I am truly grateful. Thank you for this amazing work you are doing in this world! Namaste"~ ♥♥♥ Heather


" I found the daily practices to be of great value, some becoming a part of routine quickly such as calling on the quartz crystal placed by Source in the Lower Dantian, the breath practice of 7 count, the releasing of impurities when going to the bathroom and the Golden Thread connection to Source. I am sure as I repeat this practice more will become part of my practice. I am sure  I heard the Angels singing as I woke this morning. Was lovely and magical! Love and Light to you today! ♥️ Cherie M


"Nadine, thank you so much for the 21 day soul alignment course. I really loved it!  I so appreciate your commitment to holding the space for this important work and the centered, loving focus you provided throughout. I enjoyed learning new techniques and doing a consistent daily practice-which I am continuing. Going through your course was amazing!In love and gratitude,Danielle T. 

"I️ just wanted to say I️ really enjoyed all the meditations you sent, I’m actually going to be redoing some of them. What I️ enjoyed the most was when you let us in on the things that you’ve been through and that really help me to realize that I️ don’t have to be perfect to really step into my soul mission. I’m really thankful that I️ got to participate." Daisy B


21 Day Love Immersion Program

Whether you are wanting to experience more abundance, success, physical health, authentic relationships, a deeper connection with spirit, or supreme divine protection, LOVE is the answer. Love is the ultimate healer. 
The profoundly wise spiritual healer Louise Hay, had a huge revelation early on in her healing career.  After treating hundreds of clients, she discovered  that it didn't matter what her clients were struggling with, all of their troubles stemmed from one core issue, lack of self love. When she recognized this, and treated her clients accordingly, amazing transformations occurred. 
We know deep down, that self love is the ultimate healer. Yet, for most of us, love, particularly self love seems painfully unattainable. 
We can't change the world or create the lives we desire unless we truly align with love. During this intensive healing program, we are going to delve into attunements (meditation/energy upgrades), lessons and practices that cultivate  Love in all it's beautiful forms; self love, the love of others, and the deep appreciation of all things. Together let's make a habit of being love in action on this planet, and watch the miracles unfold! 
This Program Includes daily emails including "tune ups" or mini attunements/activations/meditations on mp3, along with  lessons, exercises and other spiritual healing gifts, including earthly and heavenly "medicines", that will immerse and enfold you in LOVE! This work will help you to truly become LOVE in action here on earth!

This  program has been prerecorded. Shortly upon purchasing the program, you will receive the Course in full. It will be sent in several emails containing multiple days and meditations bundeled together. They are yours to keep, we would reccommend downloading the files if you are able to ensure your ability to come back to them anytime. 

Let your heart lead the way and your karmic footprint be love!



21 Day Divine Union 

Dive Deep Into Life & Merge with the DIVINE Daily!
In Nadine's latest channeled program, we will work closely with the loving presence of our Monadic Angels, the angels who have been with us since the birth of our soul. These Majestic beings of light will assist us, along with all of our angels, guides and spirit helpers, to align with our true being.

This program in clude  an activation/attunement that aligns you with your sacred self for each day. You will also receive a daily practice that breaks down the illusion of separation and weaves the fabric of spirit into your life.


This  program has been prerecorded. Shortly upon purchasing the program, you will receive the Course in full. It will be sent in several emails containing multiple days and meditations bundeled together. They are yours to keep, we would reccommend downloading the files if you are able to ensure your ability to come back to them anytime. 


The program includes  a total of 42 mp3 files= 1 attunement  and 1 talk or lesson per day.
These session are yours for life. You can redo the entire program or just your favorite days anytime you like.
For only $33 this is an amazing value!!!

21 Day Divine Union 

Dive Deep Into Life & Merge with the DIVINE Daily!
In Nadine's latest channeled program, we will work closely with the loving presence of our Monadic Angels, the angels who have been with us since the birth of our soul. These Majestic beings of light will assist us, along with all of our angels, guides and spirit helpers, to align with our true being.

The program includes an activation/attunement that aligns you with your sacred self for each day. You will also receive a daily practice that breaks down the illusion of separation and weaves the fabric of spirit into your life.


This  program has been prerecorded. Shortly upon purchasing the program, you will receive the Course in full. It will be sent in several emails containing multiple days and meditations bundeled together. They are yours to keep, we would reccommend downloading the files if you are able to ensure your ability to come back to them anytime. 


The program includes  a total of 42 mp3 files= 1 attunement  and 1 talk or lesson per day.
These session are yours for life. You can redo the entire program or just your favorite days anytime you like.
For only $33 this is an amazing value!!!


Would you like to have free transformational healing meditations, loving guidance, and other celestial gifts sent directly to your inbox? Then join our contact list today! 


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Interested in booking an appointment?

Please call:

Nadine: +1 651 329-2550

Frannie: +1 612 229-5586

Fill out our contact form.



Present Moment Books and Herbs: 3546 Grand Ave S. Mpls, 55408



Nadine offers Video or Phone Sessions Plus Present Moment when she's in town 🪽


We also do home visits

Travel fees may be added for home visits

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© Energy Works Healers