Ignite your Spiritual Super Powers!

EnergyWorks! Intuitive Healers Joyfully Presents

Messenger of the Light Channeling Course, Level III

Live Zoom Workshop

Saturday and Sunday April 10th and 11th, 2021

11am-4pm Central Time


Dance with the universe, converse with the divine, and dive deep within your soul to expand your light during this virtual retreat of great awakening and profound spiritual advancement. 


During our time together we will…


Receive Several Advanced Lights Attunements including:


Archangel Muriel psychic gifts refinement and activation 


Protection and Aura strengthening with Sanat Kumara - the ninja of love


Soul work discovery -Journey to the Otherside


God/Divine Source attunement- total surrender


Traveling Through the Divine Realms

Channel a New Teacher Guide


Meet the Unicorn Healing collective

Enter the Sacred Cosmic Healing Dimension


Collective Attunement


Auric Bodybuilding and Strength Training:

Many powerful exercises and practices will be offered throughout the course to build and enhance the strength of your human energy field. This work will allow you to become a stronger and more infallible channel. 



We will offer a manifestation ceremony to assist you in building the practice you desire. You are in the driver's seat!



Together we will tackle some of the complex challenges and issues Divine Channels face. Learn practices for discerning in the 3rd dimension, living in a sea of energy.


Q and A Time

Are there specific areas or topics you need clarity on? You will get a chance to pick our brains and get the juicy info you've been searching for.



We will have time to witness our expansion and fine tune our gifts by exchanging readings and healings in a supportive and loving environment.


Tuition:Launch Price $333 Reg. $444


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